The Longer The Idea Sits

The Longer The Idea Sits

Each morning during the week, I walk/run for a couple of miles to get my blood flowing.  It helps with my fitness, but that was not originally the point.  The idea is to get my blood pumping and brain working.  It’s been a great habit that helps me...
Marketing Promotional Products

Marketing Promotional Products

Today on Seth Godin’s blog, he hit right at the heart of something many people get wrong when they ask “When do we get to the marketing part?” It was early in the development of a new product, and someone asked this question. I’m not sure the word...
Entrepreneurship Is Solving Problems

Entrepreneurship Is Solving Problems

I love being an entrepreneur.  I really do.  It’s incredibly interesting, challenging, and always something different.  And it gives me the ability to chart the path.  I love that.  But make no mistake…it’s not easy.  Entrepreneurship is...
3 Levels of Achievement

3 Levels of Achievement

“The greatest distance in the world is the distance between ‘I know’ and ‘I do.’” This is one of my favorite quotes because it illustrates the idea of “simple and easy.”  So many things are simple.  They are just not easy.  In other...
The Magic Pointing Finger

The Magic Pointing Finger

Wayne Dyer once said something that has resonated with me for years.  “Once you realize that what you think about expands in your life, you get really careful about what you think about.” Dyer said that you often get what you really want in your life. ...

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