The Problem With Sports Talk

the problem with sports talk

For years I loved listening to sports talk radio to start my day. It was a fun break from reality and allowed me to clear my head before the day started. I would (and still sometimes do) listen while I am on the treadmill and while driving on the way to work.

But one time, a year or so ago, I realized I was in a bit of a mental funk. I was in a bit of a more negative mindset and was not as excited to tackle the day. When this happens to me (and it happens to everyone from time to time) I really try to examine my routines and my inputs. Am I putting “good” into my brain in the morning? Am I being intentional about the life I want to create?

That’s when I realized the problem with sports talk.

While I was going to sports talk for a positive escape, that is not what I was getting. I wanted to laugh and enjoy light-hearted chats about things that (to be honest) don’t really matter. But as I started to analyze what I was hearing, it was not light-hearted at all! Nearly every topic was about “the problem” with this team, the superstar that was in trouble, or the issues with the topic of the day.

Sports Talk (for me) was pushing negative in my brain in the morning.

Once I made this realization, I made a shift. It’s not that I never listen to sports talk anymore. But I listen to a lot less of it. I am more specific about the shows I tune into. Some shows are more jovial. And some of the programs seem more just like two guys (they are usually guys) yelling at each other. I avoid those.

And then I had room for other inputs. I filled the time I would have used to listen to sports talk with educational and inspirational podcasts and books. I have modified what I am putting in my brain, and it’s helped me improve my mindset.

My guess is, you can do the same.

We all have things that we do every morning (and every day) that we do on auto-pilot. We watch a certain news show. The same voices fill our head. But are they serving us for the journey we are on right now?

Now might be a good time to re-evaluate.

Get a copy of my best-selling book “The Give First Economy” for FREE here.  Thanks for reading!  And if you want to “elevate your career” today, check out Better Business University!

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the problem with sports talk
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