4 Types of Content Creators

4 types of content creators

If you want to grow the brand of your business or the brand of you, content is a great tool. You can share your opinions and expertise with the world at very little cost. And more importantly, there are no “gatekeepers” to keep you from doing it. It’s up to you.

As I see it, there are 4 types of content creators. And it’s cool to be 3 of the 4…just not the fourth. Watch this video to find out my take. And read below for more detail.

4 Types of Content Creators

Creators = These are the original thinkers.  They might write a blog every day, create videos and podcasts, or make us laugh with TikTok. The platform doesn’t matter.  They challenge status quos, create new ways to look at things, give observational wisdom, or create entertainment from scratch.

Curators =. These folks help to spread the creator’s work.  These can be in any form of content, blog, video, etc.  Again, the platform is not important. These are the ones that say “here are books to read if you are an entrepreneur.”  They are taking the work of others and curating it for an audience.  This group is great because they spread good work and give credit.

Teachers = These are sort of like curators…but with an educational spin.  They use content to help teach to those that might not read the whole book.  “Here are 3 lessons I learned from this new book.”  The best of these are ones that share the lessons but also promote the idea of buying the book of the original creators.

The best content creators do all of these!

Thief = These folks just steal other ideas, quotes, blogs, etc., and claim them for their own. Don’t be a thief.

There are plenty of ways to create great content. These are just a few that I see. Now get out there and share your story!

Get a copy of my best-selling book “The Give First Economy” for FREE here.  Thanks for reading!  And if you want to “elevate your career” today, check out Better Business University!

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