Tips For PPAI Expo 2023

Tips for PPAI Expo

The PPAI Expo is coming up in just a few weeks, and if you are like me, you are in full planning mode for the event. There is networking to attend, education to take in, and meetings to schedule. Oh…and of course, there is a huge trade show floor to walk as well! It’s a great event, but it can be overwhelming. So here are my tips on how to make PPAI Expo 2023 the best one yet!

Comfortable Shoes

Regardless of your role, or where you are staying, there is a lot of walking at PPAI Expo in Las Vegas. And, if you are on the supplier side, there is often a ton of standing. I know you want to look sharp. But I would recommend trying to select the most comfortable shoes you can. A bad pair of shoes can legitimately screw up your Expo experience. Oh…and make sure you have worn the shoes before you come to Vegas. Just like in running a race, you don’t want to break your shoes in on the marathon!

Hydrate (with water)

One of the best pieces of advice I got for PPAI Expo was from a bus driver years ago. He said, “Make sure you drink a lot! But make sure that drink is water!” Las Vegas is in a desert. So between air travel, the dry air, and the fact that most of us are not fully hydrated, you will be dehydrated the moment you arrive. Drink some water!

Say “Yes” Early and “No” Late

There is SO much to do when you get out to Sin City. You have to make good choices. My advice (that I often struggle to take) is to “say yes early and no late.” What I mean is, you will get the chance to have early meetings and education. When you can, say YES to those opportunities to grow your business. And you will also have a chance to “live it up” later in the evening! Know when to say “no” so you can make that morning meeting and not feel miserable!

Have A Plan

This is always good advice, but specifically on the trade show floor. There are so many amazing suppliers that it can be overwhelming. If you have time, it’s great to see them all. But my money is on making a list of your top suppliers and making sure you spend time with them. And if you are a supplier or service provider, creating a schedule of meetings can really improve your chances of getting a return on this big investment!

Attend Education

One of my favorite parts of PPAI Expo is the educational content that is lined up every year. I have gotten so much out of jumping into these sessions and learning. And, since you are already attending, most of these opportunities are free! I am always blown away by the people that don’t take advantage of this! And this year, here are some cool content and education opportunities where I will be!

Online Marketing MasterClass (Monday at 4:30 pm): This is going to be a good one. I will be moderating a panel that includes Javier Melendez, Brandon Pecharich, and Charity Gibson on how to up your content and online marketing game. How does each person create? What is the best way to do it? How can you create business from it? We will cover it all!

PromoEQP Breakfast (Tuesday at 9:15 am): I am excited to join the PromoEQP gang for breakfast on Tuesday to talk about how to get more done this year. I will share things (based on brain science) that will help you be more productive…and happier.

PromoSnack at PPAI LIVE (Tuesday at 10:50 am): Just outside of the Expo floor, PPAI has a booth where they do event updates and education. I will be doing a 10-minute session on Goal-Setting…and how to start the year off on the right foot!

Delivering Marketing Joy LIVE at PromoCorner Booth (Tuesday at Noon): It’s hard to believe we have done nearly 425 episodes of Delivering Marketing Joy…but it’s always really special to do them live. You can join us at the PromoCorner booth or stream it!

Promo UpFront Podcast with Bill Petrie at the Evans Booth (Tuesday at 1 pm): And speaking of things that are fun to experience LIVE…Promo UpFront will be recording at the Evans booth. Bill Petrie and I talk about everything in the promo and marketing space. Join us to check that out!

Content Creators Panel at PromoCorner Booth (Tuesday at 4 pm): I will be back at the PromoCorner booth at 4 pm joining content and industry rock stars Taylor Borst, Cliff Quicksell, and Meg Erber to talk everything Content Creation.

These are just a few of the educational opportunities at PPAI Expo! There are so many more. You can see the entire schedule of activities here. So if you are heading to Vegas for Expo, these are a few tips to make the trip successful. I hope to see you there!

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